About me

Hello world, I’m a Ph.D. student in the DATAMOVE team at Grenoble CS Lab, under the supervision of Denis Trystram and Nguyen Kim Thang. My research focuses on designing optimization algorithms in the context of online and decentralized learning.


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Online Optimization
  • Edge Intelligence


  • Master 2 Random Modelling (Ex DEA Laure Elie)

    Université de Paris - Paris Diderot

  • Master 1 Mathematics and Applications

    Sorbonne Université

  • Bachelor in Mathematics

    Sorbonne Université



Edge Intelligence

Edge Intelligence is a research program of the MIAI institute that promotes local distributed computations related to AI in order to avoid the waste of energy lost during data transfers. Thanks to small datacenter close to the edge of the network, data produced on mobile devices can be pre-computed in low latency networks. Further computations may be then done on regular datacenter over the Cloud.